A213 HB Committee #24 Report #32

House of Bishops Committee 24 - Privilege & Courtesy/HoB presents its Report #32 on Resolution A213 (The Reverend Canon Dr. J. Robert Wright) and moves:

Adopt - HB Only

Resolved, that the House of Bishops of the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, gathered in Baltimore, Maryland, gives thanks to Almighty God for the life, ministry, teaching, and scholarship of the Reverend Canon Professor Dr. J. Robert Wright, our Church’s own “ecumenical patriarch,” who died on 12 January 2022, and whose death has deprived the Church of one of our most colorful, engaging, and effective historians and ecumenists; and further recognizes Professor Wright’s own unwavering and passionate commitment to our relations with the Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches especially in a season of estrangement and complexity; and further honors his leadership in collaboration with the late Reverend Dr. William Norgren in the work of “Called to Common Mission” which, in 2001, resulted in the celebration of our historic covenant of full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.