C030 HB Committee #12 Report #57

House of Bishops Committee 12 - Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music presents its Report #57 on Resolution C030 (Addressing Antisemitic, Anti-Jewish, and/or Supersessionist Interpretations of our Lectionaries) and moves:

Adopt Substitute

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

That the 80th General Convention establish a task force to address the anti-semitic, anti-Jewish or supercessionist impact of lectionary readings, especially for Holy Week, and develop proposals to mitigate that impact, which may include: 

  1. Providing one or more optional, alternate lection or lections for any lection containing language that has been interpreted as antisemitic, anti-Jewish, or supersessionist and/or 
  2. Recommending a specific authorized Biblical Translation for any lection that has been interpreted as antisemitic, anti-Jewish, or supersessionist so that the lection is less likely to be heard and interpreted as antisemitic, anti-Jewish, or supersessionist, and/or 
  3. Providing pastoral guidance and commentary on the lection that can be made available whenever the lection is read publicly in worship; and be it further  

Resolved, that the Task Force consult with the Consultation on Common Texts as it does its work; and be it further 

Resolved, That this 80th General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance to allocate $30,000 for the implementation of this resolution; and be it further 

Resolved, that the Task Force will report to the 81st General Convention.