Bradfute Davenport Jr.

III Virginia

I served as legal counsel to the Hearing Panel in the Title IV case involving Bishop John Bruno. As such I worked closely with Bishop Herman Hollerith, the President of the HP, and became intimately familiar with the Title IV maze. I attended all meetings and telephone conferences of the HP, as well as the three day trial. I drafted the HP's orders, including most of its 90+ page final order deciding the case. I also worked closely with David Beers and Mary Kostel in connection with the Presiding Bishop's Partial Restrictions on Bishop Bruno's Ministry while the case was pending and with Bishop Waynick and her counsel when Bishop Bruno appealed the HP's sanctions order. At Bishop Hollerith's request I attended the pre-trial depositions of several witnesses, to maintain order if necessary. When Bishop Bruno appealed I also conferred several times with the legal counsel to the Court of Review to explain some of the procedural history of the case. I am Church Attorney in Virginia.