Dianne Audrick Smith

V Ohio

As a lifelong Episcopalian my professional and volunteer career in the church at parish, diocesan and church-wide levels includes managing/developing organizational budgets, developing bylaws, drafting procedures to guide groups, and providing expertise in fund development. At GC 2018 I served as Chair of the Ohio Deputation and as a member of the Cuba Committee. My leadership at the national and local levels was developed through my service as national officer in UBE, through relationships built at CDSP and as a trustee of the General Theological Seminary. Serving as presenter and host, my public speaking includes small and large groups. As a deep listener to young adults and mentor/supporter, I encourage them to participate more broadly in the activities of the parish, diocese and TEC by "sharing my story." I offer my skills in understanding church polity and politics, advocacy for the least of these, an ability to cull action from visions, and service to church and community.