Edwin Johnson

I Massachusetts

"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," is for me a celebratory prayer, tearful request, at the heart of why I love our Church. I'm an Afro-Latin-American Episcopalian who is convinced that our church remains a powerful space for Jesus' ministry to all. Since serving on the Official Youth Presence in 1997 and through my experience on our deputation these last four conventions I recognize how at hand the Kingdom is when we move boldly, make space for everyone, steward our resources and do it all with Gospel joy. I've Chaired Committees of Convention (Racial Reconciliation and Social Justice and United States Policy) along with the Presiding Officers Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation. I've served on design teams for key programming for Black and Latino Ministries along with the UBE. I have always pushed to have all voices heard while joyfully stoking the fires of momentum and collective power. If called I would embrace the opportunity to do that for the House of Deputies.