Sandye Wilson

III Maryland

I believe strongly in the servant ministry of the Church Pension Fund, as Trustees work diligently to educate ourselves to work with the staff to insure that the Fund will be around to insure a future for all employees of the Church. In the last six years and I have served on the Audit, Investment, Fiinance sand Benefits Policy Committees, after a season as COO at St. Aug's University, responsible for pension and other benefits and the $29 million budget. With the perspective of a newly retired priest with an active coaching ministry with clergy and laity, I bring the perspective of those most affected by the fund. Understanding my fiduciary responsibility to the fund, which is also a moral responsibility to its clients/stakeholders, makes me an ideal candidate to lend my voice to and actively contribute to decision making that balances justice and the common good. It would be my prayerful honor to be elected to serve again.