Gayle McCarty

IV West Tennessee

I believe that my legal education and experience coupled with my analytical mind and critical thinking skills equip me well to serve on the Court of Review. Also, having served multiple times on the Disciplinary Board at the diocesan level and as President during my last term, I am familiar with canon law, the importance of respecting such and trusting the process. All of the aforementioned is tempered by good interpersonal skills, respectful listening skills and rational decision making abilities. My priestly Continuing Education with The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center regarding conflict resolution informs who I am and how I lead. Essential to any court is the need for impartiality. I have no agenda and have never sought to serve on any Disciplinary Board or the Court of Review but have instead been invited to self-nominate each time. Life as an attorney, lay person and now priest, gives me a unique understanding and appreciation of the complex, wonderful world of the Church.