D033 (An Indigenous Pathway to Truthtelling and Healing)

House of Deputies Message #81

The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jul 8, 2022 it considered resolution D033 (An Indigenous Pathway to Truthtelling and Healing). The house acted to:

Take No Further Action

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

that the 80th General Convention create a fact-finding commission to conduct research in the Archives of the Episcopal Church, the National Archives, and the Library of Congress, as well as any other repository of historical documents relevant to the role of the Episcopal Church in the Indigenous residential boarding schools of North America; and be it further

Resolved, each Diocese of the Episcopal Church will, before the 81st General Convention, begin an audit of the relationship, financial or otherwise, between the federal government, the diocese and/or its subsidiary entities, its churches, and any Episcopal or non-Episcopal missionary societies with respect to any Indigenous residential boarding school operated within the territorial jurisdiction of that diocese; and be it further 

Resolved, each Diocese of the Episcopal Church will, before the 81st General Convention, begin to gather information from boarding school survivors and their descendants about the experiences of Indigenous children and families in Episcopal run and/or supported residential boarding schools within the territorial jurisdiction of that diocese; and be it further 

Resolved, each Diocese of the Episcopal Church will, before the 81st General Convention, provide a platform through which the stories of boarding school survivors of any Iresidential boarding schools within the territorial jurisdiction of that diocese and their descendants might be preserved and shared; and be it further 

Resolved, the Episcopal Church will support federal legislation to create a truth and healing commission on Indian boarding school policy, consistent with the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative of the U.S. Department of the Interior and its efforts to “shed light on the traumas of the past;” and be it further 

Resolved, the 80th General Convention appropriate $2,500,000 between the fact-finding commission created by 80th General Convention and the dioceses of the Episcopal Church, whose funding will be distributed through grants from the Office of Indigenous Ministries, to support these efforts.