A177 (Commend the Planners and Preparers of the 80th General Convention)

House of Deputies Message #138

The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jul 8, 2022 it considered resolution A177 (Commend the Planners and Preparers of the 80th General Convention). The house acted to:

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Resolved, That the House of Deputies of the 80th General Convention commends the good and faithful work of the many individuals, committees, and participants in the planning and preparation for our delayed gathering in Baltimore, Maryland; and be it further

Resolved, That we acknowledge the exceptional and diligent efforts of the Presiding Officers’ General Convention Design Group, the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements, Executive Council, the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the House of Deputies, our Committee on Dispatch, and all others involved in the discernment and decisions necessary to ensure a shorter, smaller, safer General Convention to carry out essential legislative business; and be it further

Resolved, That we express our overwhelming gratitude to our public health consultant, Dr. Rodney Coldren, for his work with leadership of The Episcopal Church, offering his medical knowledge and assistance in mitigating COVID risks to all persons attending this 80th General Convention.