B002 (Let there be sight! - Proposal for Episcopal Church Assistance in Yemen and funding for an Ophthalmologist Medical Director at the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic in Aden)

House of Bishops Message #183

The House of Bishops informs the House of Deputies that on Jul 9, 2022 it considered resolution B002 (Let there be sight! - Proposal for Episcopal Church Assistance in Yemen and funding for an Ophthalmologist Medical Director at the Ras Morbat Eye Clinic in Aden). The house acted to:

Adopt with Amendment

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring,

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (*****) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

That the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, as followers of Jesus Christ, and recognizing at the heart of our Christian faith is Jesus’ command to “…Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12), address our deep concern and dismay over the overwhelming health care crisis resulting from the ongoing conflict in Yemen, now in its seventh year, and the life-threatening humanitarian crisis caused therein; and be it further 

Resolved, that The Episcopal Church, in a commitment to the people of Yemen, provide funds for two consecutive years for a new ophthalmologist to serve in a senior capacity at the Ras Morbat Clinic Christ Church, Aden, with these funds being channeled through the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf who maintain the Clinic, and be it further 

Resolved, that the Office of Government Relations call on appropriate members of the United States Congress, along with appropriate members of the United Nations to engage in every possible effort to relieve human suffering and find a political solution to the complex ongoing war in Yemen, and be it further 

Resolved, that the Office of Government Relations support policy to allow for unobstructed access in the conflict areas for humanitarian and medical relief organizations, and journalists, and be it further 

Resolved, that the 80th General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation for the ophthalmologist of $90,900 for the implementation of this resolution. 


<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made.>

That the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, as followers of Jesus Christ, and recognizing at the heart of our Christian faith is Jesus’ command to “…Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12), address our deep concern and dismay over the overwhelming health care crisis resulting from the ongoing conflict in Yemen, now in its seventh year, and the life-threatening humanitarian crisis caused therein,; and be it further 

Resolved, that The Episcopal Church, in a commitment to the people of Yemen, provide funds for two three consecutive years for a new ophthalmologist to serve in a senior capacity at the Ras Morbat Clinic Christ Church, Aden, with these funds being channeled through the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf who maintain the Clinic, and be it further 

Resolved, that the Office of Government Relations, in collaboration with the Episcopal Public Policy Network, call on appropriate members of the United States Congress, along with appropriate members of the United Nations to engage in every possible effort to relieve human suffering and find a political solution to the complex ongoing war in Yemen, and be it further 

Resolved, that the Office of Government Relations, in collaboration with the Episcopal Public Policy Network, work to enable support policy to allow for unobstructed access in the conflict areas for humanitarian and medical relief organizations, and journalists, and be it further 

Resolved, that the Office of Government Relations, in collaboration with the Episcopal Public Policy Network, the Office of Global Partnerships and the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society coordinate their efforts with the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf to prepare a status report that will be submitted to the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, or a committee they designate, at six-month intervals, , and be it further 

Resolved, that the 80th General Convention request the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance to consider a budget allocation for the ophthalmologist of $90,900 for the implementation of this resolution.