A110 (Continuation and Expansion of Task Force on Ministry to Individuals with Mental Illness)

House of Bishops Message #371

The House of Bishops informs the House of Deputies that on Jul 10, 2022 it considered resolution A110 (Continuation and Expansion of Task Force on Ministry to Individuals with Mental Illness). The house acted to:


Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That the 80th General Convention continue The Task Force on Ministry to Individuals with Mental Illness, in order to aid in the direction and development and provision of resources, trainings, and curricula in pastoral and ministerial mental health care for The Episcopal Church, its provinces, dioceses, parishes, seminaries, schools, and affiliated organizations, among all of its bishops, priests, deacons, and parishioners; and be it further

Resolved, That The Task Force on Ministry with Individuals with Mental Illness be expanded to eighteen in its membership that represents a depth and range of professional, personal, familial, and organizational experience with mental illness, in order to successfully develop and provide aforementioned resources, trainings, and curricula;

Resolved, That the Task Force on Ministry with Individuals with Mental Illness, in its expanded version in conjunction with its development of and provision of aforementioned trainings, will develop and share resources for The Episcopal Church, its various organizations, and all of its people centered on pastoral and ministerial mental health care; and be it further

Resolved, That this expanded Task Force report back on its actions to the 81st General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That the 80th General Convention request that the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance consider a budget allocation of $21,700 to complete resources for churchwide distribution and use by the next triennium.