A138 (Amend HOD Rule VIII to allow Committee Meetings and Hearings prior to the start of General Convention )

House of Deputies Message #268

The House of Deputies informs the House of Bishops that on Jul 10, 2022 it considered resolution A138 (Amend HOD Rule VIII to allow Committee Meetings and Hearings prior to the start of General Convention ). The house acted to:

Adopt with Amendment – Floor changes - HD Only

Resolved, That the House of Deputies amend House of Deputies Rule VIII.A.6 and VIII.B to read as follows:  

<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. (Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>

VIII: Legislative Committees

A. General Rules on Legislative Committees

6. Committee Meetings

    1. Meetings may be held in person or electronically in a way that all members can participate with all other members.
      1.  All meetings shall be livestreamed and recorded, except for those noted A.6.X
    2. The Secretary of the House of Deputies will arrange logistics for each Legislative Committee meeting, whether conducted in person or electronically.
    3. Information about how to attend meetings for each Legislative Committee will be made available to the House and the public by the Secretary of the House.
    4. Legislative Committees may convene and consider matters referred to them prior to the time set for legislative committee meetings at the General Convention site by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements. Such meetings may be held electronically in a way that all members can hear all other members.
    5. A meeting may be called by the Chair or by a majority of the members.
    6. In accordance with Canon V.3.2 a quorum will be a majority of all the members.
    7. Legislative Committees may, but are not required to, meet with a parallel House of Bishops Legislative Committee assigned to consider the same matter or matters. The House of Deputies Legislative Committee must always vote separately on the final action on any matter referred to it.
    8. Only members of the Legislative Committee may speak during meetings, unless the Chair invites other persons to speak.
    9. All meetings of Legislative Committees will be open to the public unless the Committee votes to hold a closed meeting.
    10. A Legislative Committee may hold a closed meeting upon a two-thirds vote of the members present. Any motion to enter a closed session must specify the topic to be discussed. No final action on a matter referred to the Committee may be taken during a closed meeting.
    11. Before entering a closed session to discuss a Resolution, the Committee must first hold a public hearing on the Resolution.


B. Legislative Committee Hearings

  1. Hearing Required
    1. Legislative Committees must hold a hearing on every Resolution, Memorial, and other matter referred to them for action or proposed by them before taking final action. Such hearings may be held in person or electronically in a way that enables all participants to hear all speakers.
    2. Legislative Committees should try to schedule all Resolutions, Memorials, or other matters on the same subject for hearing at the same time.
    3. Hearings may be held by Legislative Committees as early as 90 days before the first legislative day of General Convention.
  2. Notice of Hearings
    1. For hearings to be held between 90 and 14 days prior to the first legislative day of General Convention, a Legislative Committee will deliver a Notice of Hearing to the Secretary of the House of Deputies at least seven days before the hearing. Upon receipt the Notice of Hearing will be posted by the Secretary on the General Convention website.
    2. For hearings to be held during or not more than one day before the first legislative day of General Convention, a Legislative Committee will deliver the Notice of Hearing to the Secretary of the House of Deputies so that it can be posted by the Secretary on the General Convention website at least eight hours before the hearing. For hearings scheduled before 10:00 a.m., the Notice of Hearing must be posted by the Secretary by 6:00 p.m. of the day before the hearing.
    3. The Secretary of the House of Deputies will specify the form for the Notice of Hearing.
  3. Testimony at Hearings 

    1. i. Any person may testify at a hearing before a Legislative Committee.
    2. All persons who wish to testify at a hearing before a Legislative Committee must register in a manner provided for by the Committee.
    3. Persons testifying must identify themselves by name, status (Deputy, Bishop, Alternate, or Visitor), Diocese, organization represented, if any, and the Resolution or matter on which they wish to testify.
    4. The committee shall provide for means of taking day of testimony, noting restrictions the chair may impose pursuant to B.3.V
    5. The Chair may limit the number of persons who may testify, set time limits, alternate pro and con, give preference to Deputies or other groups of persons and otherwise regulate the hearing.
  4. Record of Hearings 

    1. The Secretary of the Legislative Committee will keep (or cause to be kept) a record of the:
      1. time and place of each hearing;
      2. attendance of Committee members at each hearing;
      3. Resolutions and other matters considered at each hearing; and
      4. name and identifying information of each person testifying before the Legislative Committee and the Resolution or matter upon which each spoke.
      5. Digital recording of public portions of hearing
    2. The Secretary of the Legislative Committee will file the record of each Legislative Committee hearing with the Secretary of the House at the conclusion of each hearing.


<Proposed amended text showing exact changes being made:>

VIII: Legislative Committees

A. General Rules on Legislative Committees

6. Committee Meetings

i. Meetings may be held in person or electronically in a way that all members can hear participate with all other members.

a. All meetings shall be livestreamed and recorded, except for those noted A.6.X

ii. i. The Secretary of the House will arrange a meeting space for each Legislative Committee.The Secretary of the House of Deputies will arrange logistics for each Legislative Committee meeting, whether conducted in person or electronically.

iii. ii. The meeting location for each Legislative Committee will be made available to the House and the public by the Secretary of the House. Information about how to attend meetings for each Legislative Committee will be made available to the House and the public by the Secretary of the House. 

iv.  iii. The President may direct any Legislative Committee to convene and consider matters referred to it prior to the time set for legislative committee meetings at the General Convention site by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements. Legislative Committees may convene and consider matters referred to them prior to the time set for legislative committee meetings at the General Convention site by the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements. Such meetings may be held electronically in a way that all members can hear participate with all other members. 

iv v. A meeting may be called by the Chair or by a majority of the members. 

v vi. In accordance with Canon V.3.2 a quorum will be a majority of all the members. 

vi; vii. Legislative Committees may, but are not required to, meet with a parallel House of Bishops Legislative Committee assigned to consider the same matter or matters. The House of Deputies Legislative Committee must always vote separately on the final action on any matter referred to it. 

vii viii. Only members of the Legislative Committee may speak during meetings, unless the Chair invites other persons to speak. 

vii ix. All meetings of Legislative Committees will be open to the public unless the Committee votes to hold a closed meeting. 

ix x. A Legislative Committee may hold a closed meeting upon a two-thirds vote of the members present. Any motion to enter a closed session must specify the topic to be discussed. No final action on a matter referred to the Committee may be taken during a closed meeting. 

x xi. Before entering a closed session to discuss a Resolution, the Committee must first hold a public hearing on the Resolution. 


B.  Legislative Committee Hearings

  1. Hearing Required
    1. Legislative Committees must hold a hearing on every Resolution, Memorial, and other matter referred to them for action or proposed by them before taking final action. Such hearings may be held in person or electronically in a way that enables all participants to hear participate with all speakers. 
    2. Legislative Committees should try to schedule all Resolutions, Memorials, or other matters on the same subject for hearing at the same time.
    3. Hearings may be held by Legislative Committees as early as two days before the first legislative day of General Convention. Hearings may be held by Legislative Committees as early as 90 days before the first legislative day of General Convention.
  2. Notice of Hearings
    1. Two Days before the First Legislative Day. For hearings to be held two days prior to the first legislative day of General Convention, a Legislative Committee will deliver a Notice of Hearing to the Secretary of the House of Deputies at least seven days before the hearing. Upon receipt the Notice of Hearing will be posted by the Secretary on the General Convention website.  For hearings to be held between 90 and 14 days prior to the first legislative day of General Convention, a Legislative Committee will deliver a Notice of Hearing to the Secretary of the House of Deputies at least seven days before the hearing. Upon receipt the Notice of Hearing will be posted by the Secretary on the General Convention website.
    2. For hearings to be held during or not more than one day before the first legislative day of General Convention, a Legislative Committee will deliver the Notice of Hearing to the Secretary of the House of Deputies so that it can be posted by the Secretary on the General Convention website at least eight hours before the hearing. For hearings scheduled before 10:00 a.m., the Notice of Hearing must be posted by the Secretary by 6:00 p.m. of the day before the hearing.
    3. The Secretary of the House of Deputies will specify the form for the Notice of Hearing.
  3. Testimony at Hearings
    1. Any person may testify at a hearing before the Legislative Committee. Any person may testify at a hearing before a Legislative Committee.
    2. All persons who wish to testify at a hearing before the Legislative Committee must register by signing a witness sheet. All persons who wish to testify at a hearing before a Legislative Committee must register in a manner provided for by the Committee.
    3. Persons testifying must identify themselves by name, status (Deputy, Bishop, Alternate, or Visitor), Diocese, organization represented, if any, and the Resolution or matter on which they wish to testify.
    4. The committee shall provide for means of taking day of testimony, noting restrictions the chair may impose pursuant to B.3.V
    5. The Chair may limit the number of persons who may testify, set time limits, alternate pro and con, give preference to Deputies or other groups of persons and otherwise regulate the hearing.
  4. Record of Hearings
    1. The Secretary of the Legislative Committee will keep (or cause to be kept) a record of the:
      1. time and place of each hearing;
      2. attendance of Committee members at each hearing;
      3. Resolutions and other matters considered at each hearing; and
      4. name and identifying information of each person testifying before the Legislative Committee and the Resolution or matter upon which each spoke; and
      5. Digital recording of public portions of hearing
    2. The Secretary of the Legislative Committee will file the record of each Legislative Committee hearing with the Secretary of the House at the conclusion of each hearing.