D006 Resolution Establishing Equity in The Awarding of TEC Grants

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring,

That the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church direct that 25% percent of the grants that are annually awarded by The Episcopal Church be set aside and awarded to congregations or organizations that are predominately made up of people of color; and be it further

Resolved, that all TEC Grants shall be communicated in a timely manner and through an appropriate medium to ensure that grant availability, criteria, and timelines reach the appropriate audiences; and be it further

Resolved, that all grant reviewers shall have taken TEC’s anti-racism training; and be it further

Resolved, that grant criteria that may create hardships for congregations that are struggling financially or who lack partners be eliminated; and be it further

Resolved, that grant-writing resources and other relevant expertise be made available when requested by a potential grant applicant; and be it further

Resolved, that each office of TEC which makes such annual grants shall report to each successive General Convention on its progress in the effectuation of this resolution’s purposes, specifically a report detailing a breakdown of the dollar amounts of grants awarded to congregations or organizations of color versus those awarded to majority congregations or organization shall be provided.