B004 Establishing Religious Life Sunday

Monastic Orders and Christian Communities have existed in The Episcopal Church since the mid-19th century, but are largely unknown by Episcopalians. The purpose of Religious Life Sunday is to publicize the existence of Religious Orders and Christian Communities, their missions, ministries, and contributions to the Church, and to encourage Episcopalians to connect with these communities for mutually building up the Body of Christ.

For the observance of Religious Life Sunday, member communities of the Conference of Anglican Religious Orders in the Americas (CAROA) and the National Association of Episcopal Christian Communities (NAECC) will make available videos, online resources, and written materials concerning religious life in The Episcopal Church. Religious will offer to speak and preach at parishes and will offer ways to connect with Orders and Communities. Prayers will be offered for the growth and flourishing of religious life in The Episcopal Church.

This resolution does not include a request for funding, specific committee action, change in the liturgical calendar, or amendment of the Constitutions and Canons.