A013 A Plan for Clarifying the Calendar of The Episcopal Church

Resolved, That the 80th General Convention affirm and commend use of the following taxonomy for organizing and displaying the Calendar of the Church in the next edition of the Book of Common Prayer:

1.  The Book of Common Prayer will explicitly list:

Principal Feasts (Easter Day, Ascension Day, The Day of Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints’ Day, Christmas Day, and The Epiphany),

Sundays and Seasons with their proper titles (e.g., The First Sunday of Advent, The First Sunday in Lent, Monday in Holy Week, Monday in Easter Week),>

Feasts of Our Lord (The Holy Name, The Presentation, The Annunciation, The Visitation, Saint John the Baptist, The Transfiguration, and Holy Cross Day),

Major Feasts of the Church (All Feasts of Apostles, All Feasts of Evangelists, Saint Stephen, The Holy Innocents, Saint Joseph, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary the Virgin, Saint Michael and All Angels, Saint James of Jerusalem),

Major Fasts (Ash Wednesday, Good Friday),

Ember Days (traditionally observed on the Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays after the First Sunday in Lent, the Day of Pentecost, Holy Cross Day, and December 13), and

Rogation Days (traditionally observed on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day);

2.  A separate volume entitled Lesser Feasts and Fasts will explicitly list all additional Days of Optional Observance duly authorized by this Church, along with their authorized Collects, Psalms, Lessons, and Biographies/Descriptions; and be it further

Resolved, That the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music make specific provisions to support and encourage the local development and commemoration of days of optional observance.